Elie Sports Club is committed to providing an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment and intimidation for members, employees and guests. Our Code of Conduct is not intended to create a bureaucratic, regulatory environment, but rather to promote and enhance the Club’s values.  The Code applies to all members, visitors, guests and staff of Elie Sports Club.

All members and visitors are reminded that an acceptable standard of behaviour must be maintained at all times, whilst participating in sport and around the Pavilion and Professional’s Shop. Unacceptable behaviour towards a member of staff will not be tolerated, and disciplinary procedures will be considered in all cases.

In and Around The Pavilion and Professional’s Shop

Members, guests and visitors are reminded that:

  • Any form of discrimination, harassment or intimidation is regarded as unacceptable behaviour.

  • Consumption of excessive quantities of alcohol is not permitted by law.

  • The use of foul or abusive language such as swearing has no place at Elie Sports Club.  If such language is heard, then the person concerned will be asked to refrain or leave the premises.  Elie Sports Club hosts a number of young people, and the rules are designed to safeguard from such offensive language.

  • Smoking and use of e-cigarettes is not permitted within any of the Club buildings, including the Driving Range, and only whilst seated at tables outside the buildings.  Please refrain from smoking even in permitted areas where others are eating or where such smoking may cause offence.

On the Golf Course

All participants must:

  • Always shout ‘FORE!’ if your ball is flying towards another person or people.

  • Avoid slow play, apply ‘ready golf’ principles when safe to do so and allow others to play through where appropriate.

  • Demonstrate fair play both on and off the course.

  • Repair pitch marks, replace divots, rake bunkers and avoid taking trolleys on greens.

  • Respect fellow golfers by not shouting on the course, avoid misuse of equipment (no throwing of golf clubs under any circumstances) and no aggressive behaviour.

On the Driving Range

All participants must:

  • Be aware of safety on the driving range, be mindful of others before swinging a club and never go forward to collect a ball from the range.

  • Only hit from designated bay areas or from the grass tee when permitted to do so.  Do not play shots from the grass in front of the designated bays or grass tee area.

  • Only use balls that have been dispensed from the ball machine.  Do not go forward and collect balls that have already been hit onto the range. (Tokens can be purchased in the Professional’s shop).

On the Short Game Practice Area

All participants must:

  • Only play shots from within 5 yards of the putting green surface (stakes and ropes are there to assist you).

  • Be aware of others in the vicinity of the short-game area and not play any shots in the direction of a third-party.

  • Refrain from hitting any shots while walkers are passing.

  • Strictly no full swings to be made with all shots to be played towards the short-game green only (no shots to be played from this area towards the 5th green or driving range).

On the Putting Green

All participants must:

  • Wear appropriate golf shoes or trainers on the putting green.

  • Only putt on the putting green (strictly no swinging of clubs).

  • Avoid any damage to the putting green.

  • Be respectful and courteous of others that are also using the putting green.

On the Tennis and Padel Courts

All participants must:

  • Wear appropriate tennis shoes on the courts.

  • Do not bring food or drinks (other than water) onto the courts.

  • Demonstrate fair play on and off the court.

  • Respect fellow tennis players by not shouting on the court, avoid the misuse of equipment (no throwing of tennis or padel rackets under any circumstances) and no aggressive behaviour.

On the Bowling Green

All participants must:

  • Wear appropriate shoes for bowling and protection of the green.

  • Demonstrate fair play on and off the bowling green.

  • Respect fellow bowlers by not shouting on the green, avoid the misuse of equipment and no aggressive behaviour.

Complaints and PROTESTS

Complaints may be made by any person including a competitor, member, visitor, guest or other associated person and by members of the public.

Complaints must be made in writing in the first instant to the Manager and within 14 days of the matter being complained about.

Once received, the Manager will decide, at her sole discretion, whether further action is required.  If such action is required, the matter will be referred to the Chairman and be dealt with in the most appropriate manner and in accordance with Club Policy.

This Code of Conduct is applicable to all members, guests and visitors.  Members are also responsible for the behaviour of their guests.

If you have any queries regarding the Elie Sports Club Code of Conduct please contact our Club Manager, Julie Otto by email at