Code of conduct


Elie Sports Club is dedicated to creating an environment that nurtures the enjoyment and enthusiasm of every member within our club. We want to empower our juniors to base their conduct on a sense of personal integrity and acceptance of rules, fairness, equality, respect for others, moral conduct and a sense of what is right.

As a junior taking part in activities at Elie Sports Club you are expected to:

  • Be friendly and supportive, offer help if needed

  • Practice and participate fairly and be trustworthy

  • Behave with respect to others including coaches/volunteers, club staff, officials, other golfers, parents, team managers and spectators

  • Respect the rules of my club and those of the facilities

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, disability, gender, ability, race, cultural background or religious beliefs or sexual identity

  • Always strive to do my best and refrain from inappropriate conduct towards others including physical, verbal, written or emotional, in person or through use of social media

  • Be a positive role model and refrain from bullying and getting involved in inappropriate peer pressure and push others into something they do not want to do

  • Set a good example at all times in aspects of punctuality, language, behaviour and respect of equipment and others

  • Will not smoke, consume alcohol or drugs of any kind

  • Report inappropriate behaviour or risky situations to a member of staff

Our Club recognises that to create a supportive atmosphere, which allows everyone to participate/compete to the best of their abilities, it is important for juniors to know that while we have high expectations of their behaviour, they can expect the same in return from us.

You have the right to:

  • Be safe and happy while participating in golf

  • Be respected and treated fairly and participate on an equal basis, appropriate to your ability

  • Be protected from abuse by others from within or out with the club

  • Ask for help

  • Be believed

  • Be listened too

  • Be referred to professional help if needed

Breaches of the Juniors Code of Conduct will be dealt with in accordance with the club’s disciplinary procedures.

A junior that does not follow the Code of Conduct for Juniors may:

  • Be required to apologise formally

  • Receive a warning; verbal or written

  • Be suspended by the Club

  • Be required to leave the Club

All concerns about breach of this Code of Conduct will be taken seriously and responded to in line with Elie Sports Club Responding to Concerns Procedure.

Any queries should be directed to the Safeguarding Officer(s) (Julie Otto for Golf & Bowls, Michael Bradfield for Tennis).

Julie Otto –

Michael Bradfield –


If a player, parent/carer, member of staff or volunteer has a concern about the welfare of a child, or the conduct of another child/young person or an adult (whether they are a parent, coach, member, or otherwise), these concerns should be brought to the attention of the Safeguarding Officer, Julie Otto (Golf & Bowls) or Michael Bradfield (Tennis) without delay. The person reporting the concern is not required to decide whether abuse has occurred, but simply has a duty to pass their concerns and any relevant information to the Safeguarding Officer. Please refer to the flowchart below.

All concerns will be treated in confidence. Details should only be shared on a “need to know” basis with those who can help with the management of the concern.

Concerns will be noted on the ‘Concern Recording Form’ and sent to the Scottish Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer and retained confidentially within the club. The Scottish Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer will assist with completion of this form if required, e-mail:

Elie Sports Club will work with Scottish Golf and other external agencies to take appropriate action where concerns relate to potential abuse or serious poor practice. Elie Sports Club disciplinary procedures will be applied and followed where possible.

In the event of a child making a disclosure of any type of abuse, the following guidance is given:

  • Reassure them that they have done the right thing to share the information

  • Listen carefully • Do not make promises that cannot be kept, such as promising not to tell anyone else

  • Do not seek to actively question the child or lead them in any way to disclose more information than they are comfortably able to: this may compromise any future action. Only ask to clarify your understanding where needed e.g. Can you tell me what you mean by the word xxxxx?

  • Record what the child has said as soon as possible on a concern recording form.

Do not notify the parents or carers unless you have first sought advice from the statutory authorities or the Scottish Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer. The NSPCC Helpline is available to discuss concerns regarding poor practice and abuse in confidence with members of the public who need support. Those with concerns are encouraged to use this service. The Helpline number is 0808 800 5000.

Safeguarding children and young people requires everyone to be committed to the highest possible standards of openness, integrity and accountability. Elie Sports Club supports an environment where staff, volunteers, parents/carers and the public are encouraged to raise safeguarding and child protection concerns. Anyone who reported a legitimate concern to the organisation (even if their concerns subsequently appear to be unfounded) will be supported. All concerns will be taken seriously.

All concerns should be shared with the Scottish Golf Safeguarding Team by contacting

*Informing Parents: Where you have reason to believe that a parent/carer/family member may be responsible for abuse you should always seek advice from police or social work FIRST and follow their advice as to who informs parents. For all other concerns, parents/ carers should be notified that a referral has been made at the earliest opportunity.